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2021 "Chicken" flying over the water in Qieding Wetland【Fulica Atra】(Eurasian Coot)

2021 "Chicken" flying over the water in Qieding Wetland【Fulica Atra】(Eurasian Coot)

The Rallidae birds are the most diverse and widespread family of wading birds, with about 140 species distributed throughout the world, including some remote islands. Fulica atra is one of 140 species and travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa. In Taiwan, Eurasian Coot is a migratory bird in winter, and almost all of its body is black. Also, its most distinctive feature is that the beak and the forehead plate between the eyes are white, just like its name. Because it is so obvious, Eurasian Coot has a peculiar nickname: "White Bone Top", with a white beak and forehead and dark red eyes. Fulica atra is a master diver! They can chase shrimps and worms in the water, and also dive to the bottom to eat snails and shells, but the most common food is algae. The "flippers" on the toes of rice pheasants are not like the flippers connected between the toes of geese and ducks, but are like separate petals, which can be folded up to walk on land without hindrance, and opened up to swim in the water. Eurasian Coot has long legs, long toes, and claws, which are specially used to fight for territory, as well as against external enemies such as eagles (or ornithologists), and the claws are not "soft". The only notable features are its short, shrill call and its white bulbous forehead, which, as the English proverb says, is "bald as a coot. The function of the forehead plate is still a mystery. Both male and female birds have forehead plates that bulge and swell at the beginning of the breeding season and then fade at the end of the breeding season. But whether the size and shape of this ornament can reflect the health of the owner is not yet determined by the scientific community. Why do they call them the flying chickens on water? Another odd feature of Eurasian Coot is the disconnected webbing structure on the toes. The flippers are somewhere between webbed and non-webbed, and they need to run before flying, and they also have dense aquatic plants that they can step on to fly close to the water. Eurasian Coot is usually monogamous. Spring is the season when Eurasian Coot set up their breeding territories. For Eurasian Coot, the territory is so important that competition for breeding space can be fierce and both males and females must work hard to defend their territory. Defending their territory, Eurasian Coot darts towards the intruders on the water, their legs stirring up water and sound at the same time, and get into a fierce battle for the breeding territory. After a party is pressed into the water and defeated, they can swim away under the cover of the water splash. This way of declaring war is called water war by ornithologists and is full of ornamental fun!
茄萣濕地環境教育—小鷿鷈的戀曲The Little PT (Little GREBE) Love Song

茄萣濕地環境教育—小鷿鷈的戀曲The Little PT (Little GREBE) Love Song

夏天是一個熱情洋溢的季節 最近聽說臉書都在玩「愛情」遊戲 今天我們也來看聽聽小鷿鷈都怎麼「談情說愛」呢? 小鷿鷈 能泳又善潛 潛水不只是他們捕食的技能,也是躲避天敵的辦法,潛水時 間可以長達幾分鐘,所以外號又名「水避仔」。春雨過後到入秋茄萣濕地到處都是他們的繁殖期,牠們會在水草叢旁建立浮巢進行繁殖;幼鳥為早熟性,出生後常由親鳥背負著四處行動,小鷿鷈的亞成鳥外型上與成鳥冬羽極為相似,頭頂和背部以暗褐色為主,頸部及腹部則為污白色,遠遠看去,就像是一團棉花漂浮在開闊的水面上,相當地可愛!乍看像鴨子,但其實是鷿鷈科的鳥種,夏天茄萣濕地的池塘裡到處都可以見到他們的蹤跡,歡迎來欣賞他們的愛情故事! The Little PT (Little GREBE) Love Song in 2020 Summer is a season full of passion, A little bird saying that "love game” is hot on Facebook, Today, let’s take a look how little PT is fall in love. Little PT are good at swimming and diving. Diving is not only their skill in predation, but also a way to avoid natural enemies. The diving time can be up to a few minutes, so the nickname is " tsúi-pī-á " in Taiwanese. After the raining season in spring to the beginning of autumn, Qieding wetlands are breeding places for little PT. They will build floating nests next to the aquatic grasses for breeding. The little PT baby birds are precocious, and they are often carried around by their parents after birth. The appearance of little PT sub-adults is very similar to the winter feather of adult. Their top head and back are mainly dark brown, and their neck and abdomen are grey white. From a distance, it looks like a bunch of cotton floating on the open water, quite cute. It looks like a duck at first glance, but actually belong to Podicipedidae. They can be seen everywhere in the waters of Qieding wetland in summer. Welcome to enjoy their love story!


臺灣常見之留鳥,多分布於 低海拔山坡地,出現於農田、草原、竹林 和灌林叢中。平時有成群聚集的習性,不論是活動、覓食或繁殖,常結伴而行,斑文鳥嘴巴黑色,飛起來又老是「嗶仔~嗶仔」的叫個不停,所以被叫做「烏嘴嗶仔」!烏喙嗶仔,客家語稱之為「禾嗶仔」,以禾草種籽為主食,因而得名。 還因流傳了一首童謠,只可惜現今能識得他的少之又少,常會被誤以為是麻雀。 Taobao on top of trees in Qieding Wetlands – Part 3 Spotted Munia : Black beep They are common resident birds in Taiwan, and most of them are lkilocated on low-altitude hillsides and appear in farmland, grasslands, bamboo forests and shrublands. Usually they have the habit of gathering in groups, often acting, foraging or breeding together. The beak is black, and sound "beep-beep" when flying, also be called "black beep"! Because grass seeds are their key food, Hakka people also call them "Hebeizi". As a result, a children folk rhyme has been popular, but it is a pity that there are very few people who can recognize this bird today, and it is often mistaken for a sparrow. 禾畢仔 叫野野 上桃樹摘桃花 桃花李花分你摘 莫摘捱介牡丹花 牡丹花 愛留分捱姐轉妹家 He Bizai Beep beep sings Picking peach flowers on peach tree You can pick the peach blossoms But not my peony Peony will be given to my sister's house
茄萣濕地樹上淘寶網 東方黃鶺鴒 Taobao on top of tree in Qieding Wetlands - Motacilla tschutschensis taivana

茄萣濕地樹上淘寶網 東方黃鶺鴒 Taobao on top of tree in Qieding Wetlands - Motacilla tschutschensis taivana

Motacilla tschutschensis 源自拉丁文,原意為「擺動尾部」,應是指鶺鴒經常擺動尾羽的行為,邊走邊上下搖晃尾巴,飛行路徑澄波浪狀,常伴隨單音…“唧”地叫聲,遷移時會大群夜棲於甘蔗田或蘆葦叢中 廣泛繁殖於古北區 (Palearctic region) 及阿拉斯加,但並不於西藏、中國華中、朝鮮半島及日本繁殖。於中國華南、中南半島、蘇門答臘、婆羅洲、爪哇、印度半島、非洲、澳洲等地度冬。台灣分布於平原濕地及低海拔水域附近等潮濕環境,普遍的過境冬候鳥。 The name is derived from Latin and originally meant "wagging the tail". It should refer to the behavior of the wagtail swinging its tail feathers frequently, shaking its tail up and down while walking, and the flight path is wavy, usually accompanied by a single sound "gi gi gi ..." They will inhabit a large groups on sugarcane fields or reed bushes at night while migrating. This bird breeds extensively in the Palearctic region and Alaska, but not breed in Tibet, Central China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan. They will spend the winter in South China, Indochina Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Indian Peninsula, Africa, Australia and other places. In Taiwan, it is a common transit winter migratory bird, which is distributed in wet environments such as plain wetlands and low-altitude waters.
茄萣濕地樹上淘寶--大捲尾-烏秋Taobao on top of trees in Qieding Wetlands – The Black Drongo

茄萣濕地樹上淘寶--大捲尾-烏秋Taobao on top of trees in Qieding Wetlands – The Black Drongo

茄萣濕地除了冬候鳥黑面琵鷺很出名 其實樹上也常常出現很多鳥種 今天淘寶網第二集我們介紹的主角是---大捲尾 這種鳥在過去農業社會很常見 常會停棲在農田上正在犁田的牛背上等待食物, 除了牛身上寄生的牛虻之外, 出土的雞母蟲與蚯蚓都是他最佳的食物選擇, 不時可以看見他卓越的飛行技術, 在空中來回做翻滾的採食動作。 ※他們是愛家的鳥。 育雛期間親鳥為保護雛鳥, 會對入侵者採取強烈攻擊性 遇上強敵也會勇敢奮戰絕不退讓 一身濃黑的羽色不容冒犯 大敵當前面不改色 遇上了 最好遠觀 不可褻玩焉 Taobao on top of trees in Qieding Wetlands – Part 2 Not only black spoonbill is the super star during winter season, There are various birds can be found on top of trees here. Today, let’s introduce the black drongo. They are pretty common in agricultural society before. Black drongo used to stay on the back of cow plowing in farmland, and feed on the cattle ticks, beetle baby and earthworm. Their excellent flying skill can be seen quite often during foraging time by rolling back and forward in the air. Black drongo is a familybird. In order to protect babies during brooding, Parent birds will strongly attack against intruders, and fight bravely while encounter strong enemies and never give up. Their dark black feathers can’t be offended and didn’t bat an eyelid even the enemy at the gate. It can be only appreciated distantly but not touched blasphemously..
茄萣濕地奧斯卡影集藍寶石精靈---翠鳥Qieding Wetlands Oscar SeriesThe Sapphire Fairy, Common Kingfisher.

茄萣濕地奧斯卡影集藍寶石精靈---翠鳥Qieding Wetlands Oscar SeriesThe Sapphire Fairy, Common Kingfisher.

茄萣濕地奧斯卡影集 茄萣濕地的藍寶石精靈—翠鳥 賞鳥是一種生活領悟 生物能否存活不在體型大小而在本領 相較於人類可以在家靠父母、出外靠朋友 翠鳥--嬌小玲瓏卻很獨立的靠自己 不只羽色亮麗還練就一身本領 評審們票選一下 覺得她可以獲頒“最佳女主角”獎 請在影片下留言 Qieding Wetlands Oscar Series Qieding Wetlands Sapphire Fairy, the Kingfisher. Bird watching is a life realization, Whether a creature can survive is not in size but in its ability, Compared with human beings can rely on parents at home and friends while away from home. Kingfisher, petite and slim but very independent, Not only the feathers are beautiful, but they also very skillful. Here to Invite everyone to vote, For her being awarded the "Best Actress" , Please leave a comment under the video participant /製作與編輯 photographer/Bear Yeh攝影/葉長靂 編輯/Guo Hanxiu翻譯/辛玫瑩translation/Xin Meiying 指導單位/高雄市政府工務局養工處 贊助單位/台灣電力公司 主辦/高雄市茄萣區觀光發展協會 協辦/漢翔企業志工 Instructor: Maintenance Division, Bureau of Public Works, Kaohsiung City Government Hosted by: Kaohsiung City Qieding District Visitors Development Association Co-organizer: Corporate Volunteer team of AIDC/AEF Sponsor: Taiwan Power Company
茄萣濕地冬候鳥The Winter Migratory Birds of Qieding Wetland--白眉鴨garganey

茄萣濕地冬候鳥The Winter Migratory Birds of Qieding Wetland--白眉鴨garganey

「白眉鴨」garganey 。帥氣雄鳥與眾不同,深褐色頭上的大白眉,淺灰色脇羽;淡灰色翼上覆羽在飛行時很醒目。雌鳥非常類似雌性小水鴨,但頭部圖案更具對比,眉毛更蒼白,過眼線更暗,喉嚨發白無條紋, The adult male is unmistakable, with its brown head and breast with a broad white crescent over the eye. The rest of the plumage is grey, with loose grey scapular feathers It has a grey bill and legs. In flight it shows a pale blue speculum with a white border. Some care is needed in separating the brown female from the similar common teal, but the stronger face markings and more frequent head-shaking when dabbling are good indicators. Confusion with the female of the blue-winged teal is also possible, but the head and bill shape is different, and the latter species has yellow legs. Pale eyebrow, dark eye line, pale lore spot bordered by a second dark line.[1 春季3-4月及秋季10月普遍的過境鳥,僅少量在此越冬,出現在寬闊的淡水湖泊、河口及草澤。繁殖於歐亞大陸的溫帶,東亞族群冬季遷移至中國南方、中南半島及菲律賓。棲息於開闊的湖泊、江河、沼澤、河口、池塘、沙洲等水域中,也出現於山區水塘、河流和海灘上。成群活動,覓食方式包括在水面咂食、啄食以及頭伸入水中採食等,食物包括軟體動物、甲殼類和昆蟲等水生動物:蠕蟲、昆蟲、蝦、螺貝、蛙、小魚、水生植物的葉、莖、種子、根、嫩葉等。性羞怯而機警,會從水面驚飛而起,飛得遠遠的。 The garganey is a small dabbling duck. Common transit birds in spring March-April and autumn October Only a small amount of them overwinter here, appearing in wide freshwater lakes, estuaries and grasslands. It breeds in much of Europe and across the Palearctic, but is strictly migratory, with the entire population moving to southern Africa, India Bangladesh and Australasia in winter, It inhabits open lakes, rivers, swamps, estuaries, ponds, sandbars and other waters, and also appears in mountain ponds, rivers and beaches. Group activities. Foraging methods include slicking, pecking, and feeding with their heads in the water. Food includes aquatic animals such as molluscs, crustaceans, and insects: worms, insects, shrimps, snails, frogs, and small animals. The leaves, stems, seeds, roots, young leaves of fish and aquatic plants. Sexually shy and alert, they will start flying from the surface of the water and fly far away. 影片提供/王俊仁 photographer/ Wang Junren 主演 白眉鴨garganey 拍攝地點 location/qieding wetland 茄萣濕地 製作單位Production unit 高雄市茄萣區觀光發展協會 Kaohsiung City Qieding District Visitors Development Association 小編/郭翰修 Editor/Guo Hanxiu
茄萣濕地奧斯卡影集藍寶石精靈---翠鳥Qieding Wetlands Oscar SeriesThe Sapphire Fairy, Common Kingfisher.

茄萣濕地奧斯卡影集藍寶石精靈---翠鳥Qieding Wetlands Oscar SeriesThe Sapphire Fairy, Common Kingfisher.

茄萣濕地奧斯卡影集 茄萣濕地的藍寶石精靈—翠鳥 賞鳥是一種生活領悟 生物能否存活不在體型大小而在本領 相較於人類可以在家靠父母、出外靠朋友 翠鳥--嬌小玲瓏卻很獨立的靠自己 不只羽色亮麗還練就一身本領 評審們票選一下 覺得她可以獲頒“最佳女主角”獎 請在影片下留言 Qieding Wetlands Oscar Series Qieding Wetlands Sapphire Fairy, the Kingfisher. Bird watching is a life realization, Whether a creature can survive is not in size but in its ability, Compared with human beings can rely on parents at home and friends while away from home. Kingfisher, petite and slim but very independent, Not only the feathers are beautiful, but they also very skillful. Here to Invite everyone to vote, For her being awarded the "Best Actress" , Please leave a comment under the video participant /製作與編輯 photographer/Bear Yeh攝影/葉長靂 編輯/Guo Hanxiu翻譯/辛玫瑩translation/Xin Meiying 指導單位/高雄市政府工務局養工處 贊助單位/台灣電力公司 主辦/高雄市茄萣區觀光發展協會 協辦/漢翔企業志工 Instructor: Maintenance Division, Bureau of Public Works, Kaohsiung City Government Hosted by: Kaohsiung City Qieding District Visitors Development Association Co-organizer: Corporate Volunteer team of AIDC/AEF Sponsor: Taiwan Power Company
茄萣濕地冬候鳥The Winter Migratory Birds of Qieding Wetland--白眉鴨garganey

茄萣濕地冬候鳥The Winter Migratory Birds of Qieding Wetland--白眉鴨garganey

「白眉鴨」garganey 。帥氣雄鳥與眾不同,深褐色頭上的大白眉,淺灰色脇羽;淡灰色翼上覆羽在飛行時很醒目。雌鳥非常類似雌性小水鴨,但頭部圖案更具對比,眉毛更蒼白,過眼線更暗,喉嚨發白無條紋, The adult male is unmistakable, with its brown head and breast with a broad white crescent over the eye. The rest of the plumage is grey, with loose grey scapular feathers It has a grey bill and legs. In flight it shows a pale blue speculum with a white border. Some care is needed in separating the brown female from the similar common teal, but the stronger face markings and more frequent head-shaking when dabbling are good indicators. Confusion with the female of the blue-winged teal is also possible, but the head and bill shape is different, and the latter species has yellow legs. Pale eyebrow, dark eye line, pale lore spot bordered by a second dark line.[1 春季3-4月及秋季10月普遍的過境鳥,僅少量在此越冬,出現在寬闊的淡水湖泊、河口及草澤。繁殖於歐亞大陸的溫帶,東亞族群冬季遷移至中國南方、中南半島及菲律賓。棲息於開闊的湖泊、江河、沼澤、河口、池塘、沙洲等水域中,也出現於山區水塘、河流和海灘上。成群活動,覓食方式包括在水面咂食、啄食以及頭伸入水中採食等,食物包括軟體動物、甲殼類和昆蟲等水生動物:蠕蟲、昆蟲、蝦、螺貝、蛙、小魚、水生植物的葉、莖、種子、根、嫩葉等。性羞怯而機警,會從水面驚飛而起,飛得遠遠的。 The garganey is a small dabbling duck. Common transit birds in spring March-April and autumn October Only a small amount of them overwinter here, appearing in wide freshwater lakes, estuaries and grasslands. It breeds in much of Europe and across the Palearctic, but is strictly migratory, with the entire population moving to southern Africa, India Bangladesh and Australasia in winter, It inhabits open lakes, rivers, swamps, estuaries, ponds, sandbars and other waters, and also appears in mountain ponds, rivers and beaches. Group activities. Foraging methods include slicking, pecking, and feeding with their heads in the water. Food includes aquatic animals such as molluscs, crustaceans, and insects: worms, insects, shrimps, snails, frogs, and small animals. The leaves, stems, seeds, roots, young leaves of fish and aquatic plants. Sexually shy and alert, they will start flying from the surface of the water and fly far away. 影片提供/王俊仁 photographer/ Wang Junren 主演 白眉鴨garganey 拍攝地點 location/qieding wetland 茄萣濕地 製作單位Production unit 高雄市茄萣區觀光發展協會 Kaohsiung City Qieding District Visitors Development Association 小編/郭翰修 Editor/Guo Hanxiu
2021種子講師暨志工培訓成果發表-Part 2 Lecturer and Volunteer Training Results Announced.-Part 2
2021 Ecological Record of Winter Migratory Birds in Qieding Wetland Park. 《Aythya Fuligula》

2021 Ecological Record of Winter Migratory Birds in Qieding Wetland Park. 《Aythya Fuligula》

Tufted Duck (Aythya Fuligula) inhabits Qieding Wetland Park, and the winter migratory period is from November to March each year. This bird species is mainly distributed in Eurasia and northern Africa. They are good at folding their wings for diving, and most of them feed on aquatic plants as their staple food. Some species also often dive for food, stick their heads into the water at the shallow water's edge, or plunge into the water with the tail up and feed on fish, shrimp, and shellfish. Foraging activities are mainly in the early morning and dusk. They usually rest on the shore, float on the open water to sleep during the daytime. The abundant natural Qieding Wetland provides a comfortable environment for the clustered and timid pochard ducks to spend the winter here. The male bird is characterized by a shiny purple luster, and the crown of the back of the head is prolonged and drooping. The whole body is covered in black and the abdomen is white, and the lower abdomen is slightly gray too. The females are characterized by dark brown, pale grayish brown to grayish-white on the belly, without obvious crests, and some white under tale or white spots on the base of the beak. The eyes are yellow, the beak is gray, and the tarsals and toes are gray. Due to the round body shape, the webbed position is behind the body and is not good at walking on land. But Tufted Duck which is not good at walking on the road can float on the water with slide over the water easily. Before takeoff, they will run up on the surface of the water to complete a continuous lift-off movement.


茄萣濕地賞鳥屋前的翠鳥覓食秀--小蝦米吃大鯨魚 茄萣濕地賞鳥屋前的翠哥,剛從水裡捕捉到一隻比自己身形還大的吳郭魚,素有魚狗外號的翠鳥卻展現小蝦米吃大鯨魚的功夫,我甩、 我甩 、我甩甩甩,巧妙的將魚身從扁平甩到圓潤、再順口吞,而這樣的覓食秀正天天在茄萣濕地的賞鳥屋前上演,沖水時濺起滿身水花,因為身手敏捷、一閃即逝的視線被比喻為鳥界的藍色精靈,欣賞這樣的捉魚秀,在茄萣濕地天天都能肉眼可見。 經過整頓展現新活力,浚深過的護堤旁水道宛如一條蜿蜒小河,雨季過後河畔青青草木深,不少留鳥紛紛嬉戲遊玩於草原上,茄萣濕地不再只是候鳥度冬棲地,志工們利用地形進行棲地營造打造百鳥天堂,撿拾漂流木依鳥類習性佈鳥樁,有為猛禽設立的大樹樁以及沿水道四周佈立的短木樁,不到半年已陸續紀錄黑翅鳶、大捲尾、洋燕、褐頭鷦鶯、翠鳥等10餘種鳥類輪流站樁成果豐碩,茄萣濕地潛藏的實力與魅力將逐步開演。 The kingfisher in front of the bird-watching house in the Qieding Wetland just caught a Wu Guo fish larger than its own body from the water. The kingfisher, known as the fish dog, showed the skill of small shrimps eating big whales. , I shook, I shook, skillfully shook the fish body from flat to round, and then swallowed it smoothly, and this kind of foraging show was staged every day in front of the bird watching the house in the eggplant wetland, splashing with water when flushing, Because the agile and fleeting sight, is likened to the blue elves of the bird world, enjoying such a fish catching show can be seen with the naked eye every day in the wetland of eggplant. After reorganization and display of new vitality, the dredged berm next to the waterway is like a winding river. After the rainy season, the riverside is deep with green grass and trees. Many resident birds are playing and playing on the grassland. The eggplant wetland is no longer a winter habitat for migratory birds. Workers used the terrain to create habitats to create a bird paradise, pick up driftwood and arrange bird piles according to the habits of birds, including large tree stumps for raptors and short wooden piles erected around the waterway. In less than half a year, the black-winged kite, More than 10 species of birds, such as big capuchin, foreign swallow, brown-headed wren, and kingfisher, have achieved fruitful results, and the hidden strength and charm of the Qieding wetland will gradually unfold.


彩鷸Rostratula benghalensis 彩鷸科 彩鷸屬 彩鷸之所以叫「彩」鷸,是因為相對於大多數鷸鳥的樸素羽色,彩鷸的斑點和條紋特別顯眼。一般而言公鳥羽色鮮豔、母鳥樸素,彩鷸恰好相反──雌鳥有一亮紅褐色頭部和帶綠色光澤的背部和翅膀。 雄鳥羽色黃褐簡約,有淺褐色頭部,帶橙色和棕褐色斑點的褐色背部 彩鷸是保育類第二級珍貴稀有的野生動物。 台灣為不普遍留鳥,過去在農業社會常見於春耕期放滿水的水田,可惜近代因築巢地點常遭天敵及人為破壞,在農地活動的彩鷸亦常因農地整治導致棲地品質降低不利繁殖,或誤陷防鳥網而喪命。 配對方式採一妻多夫制 雌鳥會主動靠近雄鳥求偶,用力張翅高舉至背上、收回後再張翅,重複同樣的動作。平展雙翅,快速抖動,伴隨單腳和雙腳跳躍的動作。同時不斷發出「嗚~嗚」高階單音或由中音階至高音階雙音叫聲,吸引雄鳥青睞。 雌雄正式配對後,雌彩鷸成為一家之主,決定日常生活,如覓食路線、理羽時機與地點,雌鳥走到哪,雄鳥就會默默跟隨,若有時分心沒有跟上,雌鳥還會以聲音呼喚對方呢! 雌彩鷸的領域性會非常強烈,常猛烈驅逐其他入侵的雌鳥,築巢區更不容許其他雌鳥踏入。一個繁殖季內,雌鳥會與2~4隻雄鳥交配產卵。巢與巢一般相距15~50公尺之間,繁殖期喜歡築巢於茄萣濕地的鼠尾栗草原上,巢區多是植物高度在20cm之內的短草地,通常非常隱密。 育雛期間,彩鷸的家事由公鳥包辦,母鳥只負責下蛋。雌鳥一天產下一顆卵,一窩通常有4枚卵,產完之後的雌鳥就會離去,結束雙方的婚姻關係,母鳥另外再尋找別隻雄彩鷸,重新求偶交配產卵的過程。 雄彩鷸是一模範父親的代表,父兼母職的彩鷸爸爸幾乎不吃不喝,忙著照顧,5~7月的天氣炎熱,雄鳥會利用腹部沾水來幫助蛋殼降溫,以免蛋壞死,如此小心翼翼,直到晨昏的空暇,才敢稍稍放鬆,離去覓食。 彩鷸的食物名單有軟體動物、甲殼類、昆蟲以及植物的嫩芽等,其中值得一提的是:彩鷸會捕食福壽螺,雨季過後的茄萣濕地到處布滿福壽螺的幼螺,因此7-8月很容易見到牠門求偶育雛追逐於茄萣濕地的草原上
茄萣濕地昆蟲系 琉球紫蛺蝶Qieding Wetland Insect System

茄萣濕地昆蟲系 琉球紫蛺蝶Qieding Wetland Insect System

中文名 琉球紫蛺蝶 英文名 Common Eggfly, Great Eggfly, Varied Eggfly 學名 Hypolimnas bolina kezia 別名:幻紫斑蛺蝶、幻蛺蝶 蛺蝶科(Nymphalidae ) 分類: 昆蟲綱、鱗翅目、蛺蝶科、蛺蝶亞科、蛺蝶族;幻蛺蝶屬 棲息地: 台灣地區廣泛分布平地、中海拔山區,以低海拔地區為主。 廣泛分布於衣索比亞界、古北界、東洋界至澳新界,包括非洲,印度、中南半島、中國南部、東南亞至澳洲及西太平洋一帶島嶼。蜜源植物 馬纓丹、繁星花、金露花、澤蘭、馬利筋花蜜及多種菊科野花在溼地則以臭娘子最受他喜愛 中型蛺蝶。軀體黑褐色,腹側散布有白點。前翅翅端圓弧形。後翅近圓形,外緣略鋸齒狀。翅背面底色黑褐色,雄蝶於前翅外側有一藍紫色斜帶,內有白紋,翅端有小白紋,後翅中央有一藍紫色圓斑,內亦有白紋。雌蝶背面斑紋依不同型而異,有具藍紫色光澤、白斑或紅斑者。翅腹面底色褐色,通常沿外緣有白紋,內側有白色點列,前翅外側常有一斜白帶。後翅中央也常有一白帶。緣毛黑白相間。。外型擬態模仿有毒的蝶種幻紫斑蝶,使天敵難以分辨而避免捕食。成蟲全年可見,一年多代。,濕季數量較多。出沒於海拔0-2000米地區的常綠闊葉林、海岸林、鄉郊農地和花園,傾向潮濕、遮蔭和附近地面有訪花性,亦會吸食腐果、樹液。 大多數的蛺蝶科蝴蝶有高度領域行為,雄蝶在有成蝶食物或幼蟲食草附近,會找個視線良好的制高點,守候等待雌蝶出現,遇到同種雄蝶即上前驅趕,琉球紫蛺蝶算是其中領域行為最強烈的蝶種之一,曾經有人看到雄蝶在追逐比它大型的蝴蝶, 蛺蝶科(Nymphalidae )是蝶類中最大的一科,全世界有3400多種。屬小型至中型的蝶種,少數為大型種。色彩豐富,形態各異,花紋相當複雜。極少數種模擬斑蝶。蛺蝶科成蟲的下唇須特別粗壯;觸角長且端部明顯加粗呈錘狀;複眼裸出或有毛;部分種類的中胸特別粗壯發達;翅形豐富多變,屬間的差別較大。特徵為前足退化,縮在胸下,無作用,又稱四足蝶是因它們只有4條具有機能(或能行走)的腿。其中的許多個物種都有著亮麗的顏色,並包含如帝王蛾、赤蛺蝶、黃褐蛺蝶和豹斑蝶等受歡迎的物種。但其翅膀腹面暗淡,且有些物種看起來會像是枯葉一般,或者更為蒼白,以產生一種可以幫助蝴蝶從環境中消失的避敵效用。 Chines Name:琉球紫蛺蝶 Nymphalidae English Name:Common Eggfly, Great Eggfly, Varied Eggfly Scientific Name:Hypolimnas bolina kezia Aliases: 幻紫斑蛺蝶、幻蛺蝶 Classification Insecta, Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Nymphalidae, Nymphalidae; Phantom Nymphalidae Habitat Taiwan is widely distributed in flat and mid-latitude mountainous areas, mainly in low-altitude areas.It is widely distributed in the Ethiopian, Palaearctic, Eastern, and New Territories, including Africa, India, Indochina, southern China, Southeast Asia to Australia and islands in the Western Pacific. Nectar plants Lantana, Starflower, Golden Dew, Eupatorium, Milkweed nectar, and many kinds of Compositae, In the wetland, the Premna serratifolia is most loved by him. Medium-sized Nymphalid butterfly. The body is dark brown with white spots scattered on the ventral side. The forewing wing ends are rounded. The hind wings are nearly round, and the outer edge is slightly jagged. The underside of the wings is dark brown. The male butterfly has a blue-purple oblique band on the outside of the forewing, with white stripes on the inside, small white stripes on the ends of the wings, and a blue-purple round spot on the center of the hind wings, with white stripes on the inside. The markings on the back of female butterflies vary according to different types, with blue-purple luster, white spots or erythema. The ventral surface of the wings is brown in color, usually with white stripes along the outer edge, white dots on the inner side, and oblique leucorrhea on the outer side of the forewing. There is often a vaginal discharge in the center of the hind wing. Ciliate is black and white. . The appearance mimicry mimics the poisonous butterfly species, the purple phantom butterfly, making it difficult for natural enemies to distinguish and avoid predation. Adults can be seen throughout the year, more than one generation. , There are more wet seasons. Evergreen broad-leaved forests, coastal forests, rural farmland, and gardens that occur in areas with an altitude of 0-2000 meters tend to be moist, shaded, and have a flower-visiting nature on the nearby ground, and will also suck rot and sap. Most Nymphalidae butterflies have high field behavior. The male butterfly will find a commanding height with a good line of sight near the adult butterfly food or larvae feeding on the grass. The purple wing butterfly is one of the butterfly species with the strongest domain behavior. Someone once saw a male butterfly chasing a larger butterfly. Nymphalidae (Nymphalidae) is the largest family of butterflies, with more than 3,400 species in the world. It is a small-to-medium-sized butterfly species, and a few are large-scale species. The colors are rich, the shapes are different, and the patterns are quite complicated. A very small number of species mimic the butterflies. The lower lip and whiskers of the Nymphalidae adults are particularly thick; the antennae are long and the ends are obviously thickened and have a hammer shape; the compound eyes are bare or hairy; the middle breasts of some species are particularly strong and developed; the wings are rich and changeable, and the differences between the genera Big. It is characterized by degeneration of the forefoot, retracted under the chest, and has no effect. It is also called quadrupedal butterfly because they have only 4 functional (or walking) legs. Many of these species have bright colors and include popular species such as monarch moths, red admiral butterflies, yellow-brown admiral butterflies, and leopard butterflies. However, the ventral surface of its wings is dim, and some species will look like dead leaves, or even paler, to produce an evasive effect that can help the butterfly disappear from the environment.
茄萣濕地植物系--裸花兼蓬(Suaeda nudiflora)-鹽定

茄萣濕地植物系--裸花兼蓬(Suaeda nudiflora)-鹽定

裸花兼蓬(Suaeda nudiflora, 屬於藜科,別名「鹽定」,為多年生宿根性草本植物,多生長於海邊高鹽分的灘地上,伏生地面,分枝叢生,高可達50cm。 學名:Suaeda nudiflora (Willd.) Moq. 藜科Chenopodiaceae 俗名:裸花鹵兼蓬、裸花鹵蓬、香蕉草 葉序:互生 葉形:圓柱狀線形 葉緣:全緣 葉質:肉質、表面蠟質 花序:穗狀花序。 枝梢葉腋萌發,小苞片 3 枚,披針形 花瓣:5 枚,橢圓形 花色:黃綠色花 花期:4~9 月 鹽定有調節鹽分的功能,當土壤鹽度高時,葉子會排出鹽分,轉黃、轉紅,然後掉落,平常葉子一樣是綠色的。 鹽定為了適應海邊惡劣環境,於是在構造上產生各種變化:如葉子加厚或退化成肉質狀,或表面長出茸毛,氣孔變少變小,儲水組織發達,具排鹽、耐鹽的能力,它那如香蕉船的葉圓圓的,又有點向上彎曲,所以又給它另一個外號為香蕉草。 在過往生活困苦、鹽不易取得的時代,做粗活的人必須攝取鹽分才有力氣幹活,野生不必花錢的鹽定就成了貧民鹽分的來源了! Suaeda nudiflora (Suaeda nudiflora, belonging to Chenopodiaceae, also known as "Salt Ding"," is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows on high-salinity beaches by the sea. It grows on the ground and grows in clusters and can reach a height of 50 cm. Leaf shape: cylindrical linear Leaf margin: whole margin Leaf quality: fleshy, waxy surface Inflorescence: spikes. Leaf axils of branches germinate, 3 bracteoles, lanceolate Petals: 5, oval Design and color: yellow-green flowers Flowering period: April to September "Salt Ding" has the function of regulating salinity. When the soil salinity is high, the leaves will discharge the salt, turn yellow, turn red, and then fall. The leaves are usually green. In order to adapt to the harsh environment of the seaside, "Salt Ding"ding has produced various changes in its structure: such as thickening of the leaves or degrading into fleshy, or growing hairs on the surface, reducing and shrinking stomata, developed water-storing tissues, salt-expelling and salt-tolerant Ability, its leaves are round like banana boats, and a little bit upwards, so it gave it another nickname for banana grass. In the past when life was difficult and salt was not easy to obtain, people who did rough work had to take salt in order to be able to work. Wild salt, which does not have to spend money, has become a source of salt for the poor! It is a fairly common plant species on the banks of aquaculture ponds, and it also has the function of protecting the banks of aquaculture ponds.
茄萣濕地植物系--苦林盤Qieding wetland flora-Glory Bower

茄萣濕地植物系--苦林盤Qieding wetland flora-Glory Bower

茄萣濕地植物系--苦林盤 Qieding wetland flora 學名scientific name:Volkameria inermis 英名English name:Glory Bower 別名:苦藍盤、白花苦林盤 馬鞭草科Verbenaceae 苦林盤是一種常見濱海植物,紅樹林重要的伴生植物,枝葉味苦,為取名苦字的由來,木材輕軟可作火柴桿,民間使用它的根作為草藥。性寒,有小毒,葉片煮後洗腳可除腳臭。 苦林盤屬常綠蔓狀灌木,樹高1~2m,是濱海地區綠化優良樹種,看似蔓性的莖幹常常會低伏在地面或是岩石上,減少海風對它的傷害。可成片種植作為防風固砂用,或列植為綠籬,作為道路景觀。 葉十字對生為橢圓形至卵形,葉片長3~7cm、寬1.5~4.5cm,葉面有線體作為排鹽的功能,這也是它能生長在海邊耐鹽的強項功能。 每年花期為3-9月。花序頂生或腋生,花開呈高腳杯形,純白色的五片花瓣有時帶點淡淡的紅色,在基部合生成長長的圓筒,到頂端後又各自外翻甚至反捲,花心的地方伸出五根長長的雄蕊,花小卻很別緻吸睛。 十月開始結果,核果倒卵形,直徑約1cm,成熟紫黑色。 Glory Bower is a common coastal plant and an important companion plant in mangroves. Its branches and leaves have a bitter taste. For the origin of the name bitterness, the wood is light and soft and can be used as a matchstick, and its roots are used as herbal medicine in the folk. It is cold in nature and has small toxicity. After the leaves are boiled, the feet can be washed to remove foot odor. Glory Bower is an evergreen vine-like shrub with a height of 1~2m. It is an excellent tree species for greening in coastal areas. The seeming vine stems are often low on the ground or on the rocks to reduce the damage to it by the sea breeze. It can be planted in pieces as a windbreak and sand fixation or lined up as a hedgerow as a road landscape.The Leaf cross opposite, shapes are oval to ovate. The leaves are 3~7cm long and 1.5~4.5cm wide. The leaf surface has the line pipe for draining salt, which is also its strong function of being able to grow on the seaside and tolerate salt. The annual flowering period is from March to September. The inflorescence is terminal or axillary, and the flowers bloom in a goblet shape. The five pure white petals sometimes have a little red color. They unite at the base to form a long cylinder, and when they reach the top, they each turn out or even rewind, and the flowers are centered. There are five long stamens protruding from the place, the flowers are small but very unique and eye-catching. Fruits begin in October. The drupe is obovate, about 1cm in diameter, and mature purple-black.
茄萣濕地植物系--文殊蘭Qieding Wetland Plants-Poison Bulb

茄萣濕地植物系--文殊蘭Qieding Wetland Plants-Poison Bulb

茄萣濕地植物系--文殊蘭Qieding Wetland Plants-Poison Bulb 學名Crinum asiaticum 英文名Poison Bulb 石蒜科(Amaryllidaceae) 文珠蘭屬(Crinum) 文殊蘭又名文珠蘭 大型多年生球根草本植物,具有皮鱗莖,圓柱形,株高約 1 公尺。 深綠色的葉呈長線形,葉肉厚而多汁, 葉緣波狀,長 50~80 公分,寬 6~12 公分。花頂生 繖形花序,由多數 20~50 朵小花組成;花冠白色,十分清香,花被片合生,花筒纖細,伸長,裂成6片花瓣;蒴果近球形,通常頂端具突出喙;有海綿組織,可漂浮於水面,藉以傳播繁殖。喜歡溫暖有陽光及水份充足的地方,卻也耐風、耐潮,在海岸地區常有零星分布。花朵雖然美麗,但全株有毒。當中以鱗莖毒性最強。因此國家對這種植物有「毒鱗莖」的稱號誤服可引致嘔吐,腹痛,先便秘後劇烈下瀉,呼吸不整,脈搏加快,體溫上升等;大量誤服可引致神經系統麻痺而死亡。 據《全國中草藥匯編》記載文殊蘭性味辛、涼、有小毒。有消腫止痛、降火氣、行血散瘀之效,新鮮的葉和鱗莖,搗碎後敷上患處,對治療軟組織受損、閉合式骨折、關節炎、挫傷或叮咬之紅腫有幫助。台灣原住民排灣族及阿美族,則以文殊蘭治療刀傷、消腫止痛及蛇咬。 南傳佛教視文殊蘭為五樹六花之一,意指為佛經中規定寺廟裡必須種植的五種樹六種花之一。文殊蘭亦作為宗教活動中賧佛的鮮花 A large perennial bulbous herb with a skin bulb, cylindrical shape, and a plant height of about 1 meter. The dark green leaves are long linear, thick and juicy, with wavy leaf margins, 50-80 cm long and 6-12 cm wide. Flower terminal umbel, composed of most 20-50 small flowers; corolla white, very fragrant, tepals connate, slender, elongated flower tube, split into 6 petals; capsule subglobose, usually with protruding beak at the top; sponge The tissues can float on the water surface to spread and multiply. The Species like warm, sunny, and water-rich places, but they are also winding and tide tolerant, and they are often scattered in coastal areas. Although the flowers are beautiful, the whole plant is poisonous. Among them, bulbs are the most toxic. Therefore, the state's mistaking of this plant with the title of "poisonous bulb" can lead to vomiting, abdominal pain, severe diarrhea after constipation, irregular breathing, rapid pulse, and body temperature rise. A large amount of mistaking can cause nervous system paralysis and death. According to the "Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicine in the Whole Country", the Poison Bulb is pungent in nature, cold in flavor, and slightly poisonous. It has the effect of reducing swelling and pain, reducing fire and qi, promoting blood circulation, and dispersing blood stasis. Fresh leaves and bulbs, crushed and applied to the affected area, are helpful for the treatment of soft tissue damage, closed fractures, arthritis, contusions, or bites. The Paiwan and Ami tribes, aborigines of Taiwan, use Manjushri to treat cuts, swelling and pain, and snake bites. Southern Buddhism regards Poison Bulb as one of the five trees and six flowers, which means that it is one of the five trees and six flowers that must be planted in temples in the Buddhist scriptures. Poison Bulb is also used as the flower of the Buddha in religious activities
花開半邊的草海桐The half-flowered Beach Cabbage

花開半邊的草海桐The half-flowered Beach Cabbage

茄萣濕地植物系 Qieding wetland flora 花開半邊的草海桐 The half-flowered Beach Cabbage 草海桐科Goodeniaceae 學名:Scaevola taccada 雖然名字有個「草」,但卻不是草本植物,是常綠型灌木,株高約為 1-2 公尺Although the name has a "grass", it is not a herbaceous plant, it is an evergreen shrub Wood, plant height is about 1-2 meters 草海桐的種小名sericea則是「有光澤的」的意思 The nickname sericea of Beach Cabbage means "glossy" 葉片具有油亮光澤The leaves are shiny and shiny 性喜陽光,又耐旱、耐鹽,典型的濱海植物 Sun-loving, drought-tolerant and salt-tolerant, typical coastal plants 樹型像極了一朵朵的蓮花冠整齊排列 The tree shape is neatly arranged like a blossoming lotus crown 就連結出來的果實都很像一顆顆的蓮子 The connected fruits are all like lotus seeds 果實初期由綠轉白The early fruit turns from green to white 最特別的地方在只開半邊的花形 The most special place is the flower shape with only half of the opening 就像一朵花被從中對切,白色的花瓣鑲著紫色花邊 It's like a flower is cut in half, the white petals are bordered by purple lace 據說是為了方便授粉繁延下一代 It is said to facilitate pollination and prolong the next generation 在濕地每顆植物想要生存都具有獨特的能力 Every plant in the wetland has a unique ability to survive 無論是天天走過的台階 Whether it's the steps that I walked every day 或是道路兩旁Or on both sides of the road 記得好好欣賞上帝的傑作 Remember to appreciate God’s masterpiece
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