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Summer Camp Team for Little Scientists in Qieding Wetland


Are parents still worrying about how to arrange a summer vacation full of new knowledge and fun for their children? The good news is on! Come on!


What treasures are there in the wetlands? The rhythms of nature follow from the growth of animals and plants to the sounds of birds and the sounds of nature. The two-day and one-night course will take the children to find the past and explore the future, train them to listen to the sounds of nature, listen to the sounds of nature, and re-understand the wetlands. the value of. Please join us in the wetland treasure hunt, start life sciences, and inspire the horizons of young scientists


Venue: Qieding Wetland Tourist Interpretation Center (No. 180, Zhengshun North Road, Qieding District)

講座主題分為Lecture topics are divided into


1.Wetland is a home, understand the treasure resources in the wetland, and start life sciences.

2. 腦力激盪-啟發濕地經營的創造力與想像力。

2.Brainstorming-Inspire the creativity and imagination of wetland management



Methods of summer camp activities for the eco-experience of Qieding Wetland


需提早於15日前預約Need to make an appointment 15 days in advance

人數30人為上限The maximum number of people is 30



Elementary and middle school students (grades 1-9) suitable for parent-child





參加活動注意事項Precautions for Participating in Activities


穿著防曬樸素並透氣衣物及防曬帽子Wear simple and breathable sun protection clothing and sun protection hats


注意氣象,如遇上雨天須自備雨具及雨鞋Pay attention to the weather and bring your own rain gear and rain boots in case of rain


活動前如有身體不適或行動不便情形需告知主辦單位,主辦單位保留參加權。Before the event, if you have any physical discomfort or mobility impairment, you need to inform the organizer, and the organizer reserves the right to participate.


課程期間須遵守團隊紀律,聽從講師及助教指揮,不得擅自脫隊,如有緊急狀況應立刻告知主辦單位現場工作人員。During the course, you must abide by team discipline, follow the instructions of the lecturer and teaching assistant, and not leave the team without authorization. If there is an emergency, you should immediately notify the on-site staff of the organizer.


自備環保杯及環保筷Bring your own eco-friendly cup and eco-friendly chopsticks


自理Take care of yourself


外縣市如需住宿安排可跟主辦單位聯絡推薦民宿If you need accommodation arrangements in other counties and cities, please contact the organizer to recommend a homestay


如遇颱風或緊急狀況,主辦單位得視情況取消或延後辦理In the event of a typhoon or emergency, the organizer may cancel or postpone the application depending on the situation



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螢幕快照 2021-09-22 上午11.22.31.png
螢幕快照 2021-09-22 上午11.22.12.png






茄萣濕地生活文化Life and Culture Experience of Qieding Wetland
Explore the relationship between wetlands and water resources

Explore the relationship between wetlands and water resources

Summer Camp Team for Little Scientists in Qiling Wetland-- Explore the relationship between wetlands and water resources The subject of the course: Knowing nature is a treasure for healing the soul, how to conserve the wetland and the earth, and it will never stop. What treasures are there in the wetlands? The rhythms of nature follow from the growth of animals and plants to the sounds of birds and the sounds of nature. It’s better to sit and walk. A group of people can create a pattern. There will always be endless things to do in ecological conservation. Two days and one night courses, we take Children look for the past, explore the future, train them to listen to the sounds of nature, and re-recognize the value of wetlands. Children learn to share, and they will always have endless stories and endless ecological fun. Please join us in the wetland treasure hunt, start life sciences, and inspire the horizons of young scientists! Course content introduction Explore the relationship between wetlands and water resources Lecturer: Xiao Xiuyun Lecturer qualifications: 1. Lecturer of Environmental Education Institution of National Kaohsiung Normal University Environmental Education Staff, Environmental Protection Agency, Executive Yuan No. 02EP60743 "School and Social Environmental Education" & "Pollution Prevention" Fields 2. Education: Master of Science and Environmental Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University 3. Experience: External Lecturer of Nature and Science of Gifted Education in Kaohsiung Elementary School 4. External Lecturer of Life Education General Course at Tainan Evergreen University 5. Lecturer for the visit, guidance, and review of teaching plans for food and agriculture education, Kaohsiung City Agriculture Bureau 6. Instructor of the Environmental Education Staff Certification Program of the Department of Leisure Industry Management, Shiji University 7. Interpretation guide for the Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society Niaosong Wetland and Taiwan Wetland Chau Tsai Wetland 1. Land + water * breeds all things *-understand the basic hydrological concepts of wetland environment 2. Stimulate thinking about wetlands and create a space full of imagination-understand the correlation between wetland water resources and ecology 3. Wetland is a garden of knowledge confluence-experience the mystery of wetland biodiversity
茄萣濕地小小科學家夏令營--啟發孩子如何觀察環境 inspire children how to observe the environment

茄萣濕地小小科學家夏令營--啟發孩子如何觀察環境 inspire children how to observe the environment

茄萣濕地小小科學家夏令營 認識濕地的生物多樣性、啟發孩子如何觀察環境 目的:想主宰地球的命運要先有深度學習 Summer Camp for Little Scientists in Qieding Wetland Understand the biodiversity of wetlands and inspire children how to observe the environment Purpose: To dominate the destiny of the earth, we must first have deep learning 1.如何啟發孩子科學的視野—課程的設計以人本為主 How to inspire children's scientific vision-curriculum design is based on humanism 第一天報到後-孩子先從認識隊友後,由隊長進行自我介紹—學習從認識自我存在的價值以及自我觀察的角度出發 After the first day of the registration-the child will first get to know his teammates, and then the captain will introduce himself-learn from the perspective of understanding the value of self-existence and self-observation 認識環境--從認識自我存在的價值以及自我觀察的角度出發Understanding the environment--from the perspective of understanding the value of self-existence and self-observation 2.讀萬卷書不如行萬里路—想守護生態守護地球必須身體力行 自然是一門趣味科學--植物辨識課程帶著孩子走出戶外進行田野調查 Nature is a fun science-the plant identification course that takes children out of the field to conduct fieldwork 無論是誰想主宰地球的命運都需要深度學習--一草一木都是自然的導師 No matter who wants to dominate the destiny of the earth, deep learning is needed-every grass and every tree is nature's mentor 3.團隊發表成果報告—透過發表讓孩子學習分工合作並進行整合能力 The team publishes the results report-through the publication, let children learn the division of labor and cooperation and the ability to integrate 培養團隊默契才能發揮守護地球生態的能力,想打贏勝戰 、就必須團結,短短兩天的時間孩子已經從陌生變成好朋友,創意學習利用樹葉彩繪惹來歡樂的笑聲 Cultivate the team’s tacit understanding to give full play to the ability to protect the earth’s ecology. If you want to win the battle, you must unite. 4.榮耀與永續來自於認真學習與對大自然的尊重 Glory comes from serious study and respect for nature 主演 茄萣濕地小小科學家夏令營 講師/郭淑娥 攝影/葉長靂 助教/郭國松/郭翰修/丁雪梅/陳進龍/康有章/邱惠貞/辛玫瑩/林坤德/黃世勛/蔡富洺 Starring Summer Camp for Little Scientists in Qilian Wetland Lecturer/Guo Shue Photography/Ye Changli Teaching Assistant/Guo Guosong/Guo Hanxiu/Ding Xuemei/Chen Jinlong/Kang Youzhang/Qiu Huizhen/Xin Meiying/Lin Kunde/Huang Shixun/Cai Fuming 學生名單/ 林昱圻/孫敏琇/孫祥智/陳奐瑜/陳宥維/黃詰閔/洪雋博/ 蔡湟泰/宋瑋騏/李宏運/宋家鋐/劉宥毅/顏照芸/顏靖恩 何唯甄/彭郁程/朱宥蓁/朱宥橙/王睿棠/林楷恩/王品豐 林毓縉/傅鈺媗 Student list/ Lin Yuqi/Sun Minxuan/Sun Xiangzhi/Chen Huanyu/Chen Youwei/Huang Jimin/Hong Junbo/Cai Huangtai/Song Weiqi/Li Hongyun/Song Jiahong/Liu Youyi/Yan haoyun/ Yan Jingen/He Weizhen/Peng Yucheng/Zhu Youzhen/Zhu Youcheng/Wang uitang/ Lin Kaien/Wang Pinfeng/Lin Yujin/Fu Yumei 參與名單Participating list 攝影/葉長靂Photography/Yeh Changli 編輯/郭翰修Editor/Guo Hanxiu 錄製/郭淑娥Recording/Guo Shue 指導單位:高雄市政府工務局養工處 主辦:高雄市茄萣區觀光發展協會 協辦:漢翔航空岡山廠企業志工 贊助單位:台灣電力公司 Instructor: Maintenance Division, Bureau of Public Works, Kaohsiung City Government Hosted by: Kaohsiung City Qieding District Visitors Development Association Co-organizer: Corporate Volunteer team of AIDC/AEF Sponsor: Taiwan Power Company
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